Ministry of Oil, Iraq - Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline

General Information
Owner Ministry of Oil, Iraq
Masterplan Project (Parent Profile)
Location Iraq
Status --
Sector Oil, Transmission, Oil Pipeline
Contract Type Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC)
Onshore/Offshore Onshore
Greenfield/Brownfield Greenfield
Progress 0
Estimated Budget Value ---
Contract Value 0
Net Value $33m
Award Date October 2024
Completion Date December 2028
Last Updated On May 2024
ProjectId (Old, New) 15882, 247360

Iraq Ministry of Oil (MoO) is planning to undertake the construction of the Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline in Iraq.

Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline – Basra to Najaf Pipeline

The US$29,999 million project includes the following:

1. Construction of new PS1A pump station located at the Rumaila Oilfield in the south of Basra

2. Laying of 680km crude oil pipeline with 56” diameter

3. Construction of tank farm located near the PS1A pump station

4. Construction of three intermediate pump stations at Samawa, Holy Najaf, and Ramadi

a. Installation of pumps

b. Installation of the electrical power generation system

c. Construction of fuel gas treatment plant

d. Installation of flare system

e. Installation of sewage/waste treatment system

f. Construction of the administration building

g. Construction of accommodation facilities.

5. Construction of inlet manifold and metering stations at PS1A and PS5A (K3) pumping stations

Najaf to Aqaba Pipeline:

1. Laying of 1000km crude oil pipeline with 42” diameter

2. Construction of two pump station

a. Construction of one pump station near Zarqa refinery that includes 3 million barrel tank farm

b. a. Construction of one pump station near Aqaba that include 7 million barrel capacity tank farm

3. Construction of four intermediate pump stations

a. Construction of two intermediate pump stations in Iraq

b. Construction of two intermediate pump stations in Jordan

c. Installation of pumps

d. Installation of the electrical power generation system

e. Construction of fuel gas treatment plant

f. Installation of flare system

g. Installation of sewage/waste treatment system

h. Construction of the administration building

i. Construction of accommodation facilities.

4. Construction of outlet manifold and metering stations at PS5A (K3), Zarqa refinery branch and at the Port of Aqaba

Basra - Haditha Pipeline:

1. Laying of an export pipeline

2. Construction of compressor stations

3. Installation of an inlet manifold

4. Installation of metering stations

5. Installation of associated facilities

Haditha - Aqaba Pipeline:

1. Laying of a 900km export pipeline

2. Construction of compressor stations

3. Installation of an inlet manifold

4. Installation of metering stations

5. Installation of associated facilities

Second Section

22 May 2024

Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline: Najaf - Aqaba Pipeline & Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline: Haditha - Aqaba Pipeline: The project is still facing delays due to political and financial issues. Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline: Basra - Haditha Pipeline: The client has issued the supply tender for the project with the bid submission expected to be submitted by June 05, 2024.

28 March 2024

Basra - Haditha Pipeline: The client is planning to restart the alternative strategic line from Basra to Haditha within the borders of the western system.

08 March 2024

The project is still facing delays.

14 December 2023

The project is still facing delays due to financial and political issues.

08 September 2023

The project work is still facing delays due to financial and political issues.

04 July 2023

The project work is still facing delays due to financial and political issues.

24 April 2023

The project work is still facing delays due to financial and political issues.

19 January 2023

The project work is still facing delays on Haditha to Aqaba, Basra to Haditha and Najaf to Aqaba Pipeline project due to financial and political issues and it is expected to be executed soon.

22 November 2022

The project work is still facing delays on Haditha to Aqaba, Basra to Haditha and Najaf to Aqaba Pipeline project due to geopolitical issues in Iraq.

23 August 2022

The project work is still facing delays due to geopolitical issues in Iraq.

04 July 2022

The project work has been delayed due to security and political issues in Iraq.

23 June 2022

The client has completed 80 per cent preparation works to launch the project. (Source: MEED)

21 April 2022

The ministry of oil announced that the project is still under technical study as they plan to reduce the budget to $8.5billion and it is also expected that project will be EPCF model instead of BOOT. However the roadmap for this project has not been signed by any party yet and will be moving ahead as per next government elected.

17 January 2022

The Iraqi government has approved the framework agreement for the project. Both Jordanian and Iraqi authorities have asked technical and legal teams to proceed with the necessary procedures to sign the final agreement on the project.

08 November 2021

The technical and commercial bids are still under evaluation on Haditha to Aqaba and Basra to Haditha Pipeline project. (Source: MEED)

19 September 2021

The main contract bids have been submitted for Basra to Haditha and Haditha to Aqaba Pipeline packages and are currently under evaluation.

28 July 2021

The commercial bid submission deadline has been postponed due to the global pandemic in the country for Basra - Haditha Pipeline.

19 July 2021

The export pipeline project from Basra to Aqaba is under technical discussions.

23 March 2021

The commercial bid has not yet submitted on Basra Haditha pipeline package and the same is unknown at this juncture.

18 November 2020

The technical bid submission for the Basra-Haditha Pipeline package has taken place on 30th September 2020 and JV of Sinopec, Al Douh & CNEC, JV of Kalyon, LIMAK & Raban Al Safina, JV of Harlow, Hyundai, Daewoo & Hanwha, Saipem, Tekfen, Mass Group, Shamara, ENKA, and Toyota Tsusho have submitted bids.

19 August 2020

The client has extended the technical bid submission to an undisclosed date. According to market sources, the qualified companies requested two months extension due to the ongoing situation.

04 June 2020

The technical bid submission on the Haditha-Aqaba pipeline has been extended to August 2, 2020. (Source: MEED)

06 May 2020

The tender has been issued with the technical bid submission due on August 2, 2020, on the Najaf-Aqaba pipeline package and a JV of CPPE & CPECC, Tekfen, and Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) amongst the few others are the pre-qualified companies.

29 April 2020

The technical bid submission on the Haditha-Aqaba pipeline has been extended to June 1, 2020, and JV of Sinopec, Al Douh & CNEC, JV of Kalyon, LIMAK & Raban Al Safina, Saipem, Tekfen, ENKA and MASS Global companies have been pre-qualified shortlisted companies.

06 January 2020

ITB has been issued with the bid submission due in May 2020 on Haditha-Aqaba pipeline and the main contractor will be appointed by the end of 2020.

03 December 2019

There is no development on the Najaf - Aqaba Pipeline project due to finance issues.

22 August 2019

China unlikely to finance the Iraq-Jordan pipeline. Large Chinese contractors are expected to participate in the tender process, but are likely to seek support for financing from non-Chinese entities. (Source: MEED)

08 August 2019

The Government of Iraq has approved the plan to build an export pipeline from Basra to Aqaba via Haditha. The contractors are required to provide finance to win the packages. The Basra to Haditha line would be contracted in EPCF and the line from Haditha to Aqaba in BOT model. The details of the project and tender process are expected to be finalised by Q4 2019. (Source: MEED)

01 July 2019

The Basra - Najaf Pipeline has been cancelled by Iraq Ministry of Oil and Haditha Turkey Pipeline is still on hold.

05 April 2019

The project still continued to be on hold, the Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has completed its preparations for the construction of a pipeline it will be resumed once they got an approval from Iraqi Council of Ministers on Najaf – Aqaba Pipeline. Haditha - Syria is still continued to be on hold.

21 January 2019

MoO - Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline - Basra - Najaf Pipeline: The main contract is yet to be awarded.

01 October 2018

China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation in joint venture with Harlow International are the lowest bidders and the client is in negotiation with them for Basra to Najaf pipeline.

05 March 2018

*SCOP - Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline: Najaf - Aqaba Pipeline - The agreement between Iraq Ministry of Oil and Jordan’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is set to be signed.

06 November 2017

MoO - Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline: Haditha-Syria Pipeline - The project continues to be on hold and the time frame for revival is not known. MoO - Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline - Haditha Turkey Pipeline - The project continues to be on hold and the time frame for revival is not known.

07 August 2017

The client has decided to cancel the gas pipeline part which was supposed to run adjacent to the Basra-Aqaba oil pipeline project in order to lower costs and accelerate to complete the project. The oil pipeline project will start the construction works in Jordan by end 2017.

31 May 2017

*MoO - Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline - Haditha Turkey Pipeline *MoO - Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline: Haditha-Syria Pipeline The project continues to be on hold and the time frame for revival is not known.

04 April 2017

The signing of an agreement to extend the Basra to Aqaba pipeline is expected to take place in the coming two weeks. The cost of approx. $6.5bn will be borne by the project investor i.e Mas International Company and not by the kingdom and the Iraqi government.

30 March 2017

Basra - Najaf Pipeline - The bid submission has been extended to May 2017.

28 March 2017

Najaf - Aqaba Pipeline - Iraqi government will soon sign an agreement with Jordan government for the project.

22 December 2016

Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline - Basra Najaf Pipeline: The client has issued tender for engineering, procurement, construction and financing for 1st phase between Basra and Najaf and the last date for bid submission is December 25, 2016. The main contract award is expected to be announced by early 2017 and the project is expected to begin in 2018 and end in 2020. The previous route has changed the presence of Islamic State militants and the new route will be from Basra to Najaf and Najaf to Aqaba.

04 September 2016

The project continues to be on hold and the time frame for revival of the project is unknown.

23 June 2016

Haditha-Aqaba Pipeline The project is currently on hold due to financial issues, however it is understood that the construction work is planned to commence by end 2016.

26 May 2016

Haditha-Aqaba Pipeline- The construction works on the project is expected to start till end 2016.

03 May 2016

The project is currently put on hold and time-frame for revival is not yet known.

24 April 2016

Haditha-Aqaba Pipeline & Basra Haditha Pipeline The consortium is now waiting for confirmation from client to enter into negotiations, and to reach financial close by the first half of 2017.

04 April 2016

Iraq Strategic Crude Oil Export Pipeline - Haditha Turkey Pipeline: The project will continue to be on hold till it reach financial agreement Kurdish Regional Government.

10 March 2016

To discuss on development of the Basra-Aqaba oil pipeline project Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq had held talks in Cairo.

01 February 2016

Market news indicate that several key projects have stalled over recent months after a letter from Oil Ministry, due to financial crisis. Hence it is understood that the project continues to be on hold.

21 October 2015

The project continues to be on hold due to civil unrest in the country. The time- frame for revival not known.

30 July 2015

The project continues to be on hold due to civil unrest in the country. The time- frame for revival not known.

21 June 2015

Jordan and Iraq are in plans to change the oil pipeline route which was initially expected to pass through Anbar. There is change in the planned route of the oil pipeline passing through Najaf, Basra and the border of Saudi Arabia and Jordan were facing difficulties due to security reasons.

03 March 2015

Due to civil unrest and financial issues the project is still on hold. However, the client is negotiating with some investment companies for the implementation of the Basra to Jordan package but no deal has been signed so far in this regard.

25 November 2014

Due to the civil unrest & political issue, the project is still on hold. Any future news relating to the project will be updated accordingly.

25 August 2014

Due to the civil unrest & political issue, the project is now on hold. Any future news relating to the project will be updated accordingly.

26 June 2014

For Basra to Haditha pipeline project FEED is currently ongoing and is expected to complete by September 2014.

28 March 2014

FEED is ongoing for Basra Haditha pipeline project. The main contract tenders are expected to be issued by end of 2014.

17 February 2014

The Iraqi Council of Ministers had formally approved the oil pipeline between Iraq and Jordan.

26 December 2013

Haditha-Aqaba Pipeline: Industry sources indicate that the tenders for the main contract have been issued to 12 shortlisted companies. Sources indicate that technical proposals are due to be submitted in March 2014. No commercial deadline has been set.

02 July 2013

**Haditha-Syria Pipeline Industry sources indicate that the project is still on hold due to the political conflictions in Syria. **Basra Haditha Pipeline Industry sources indicate that designs and feasibility studies on the project is ongoing. **Haditha-Aqaba Pipeline Industry sources indicate that MoO will start reviewing submitted PQ documents from July 3, 2013 and are expected to announce names of prequalified firms in a week or by July 13, 2013.

30 April 2013

As quoted in MEED article dated April 29, 2013 the client Iraq Ministry of Oil has invited the engineering firms and financiers to prequalify for the Haditha-Aqaba Pipeline project with deadline for submission of PQ documents on June 15 with main contract tenders to be floated by July 30. The selection of the preferred bidder is expected by December 31, 2013 following which the construction works will commence. The project is expected to be completed by 2016.

22 April 2013

Industry sources indicate that Jordan & Iraq has signed an agreement on April 15, 2013 for building a pipeline to export crude oil from Basra to Aqaba.

12 March 2013

#Basra to Haditha Pipeline FEED is complete. #Haditha to Aqaba Pipeline FEED work on the project is ongoing and expected to get completed by June 2013. #Haditha to Syria Pipeline The project is on hold since its study stage until the political situation in Syria is resolved. #Haditha to Turkey Pipelne Industry sources indicate that Turkey has recently officially announced that the country will not support any gas or oil pipeline projects from Kurdistan, without the approval of the central governing body of Iraq.