MoO - Nasiriya Integrated Project: Refinery Package
Iraq Ministry of Oil is planning to build a new refinery at Nasiriya in an effort to raise the country's fuel production. According to reports, all of the country's eight refineries are operating at only 50-75 percent of capacity, forcing the country to import most of its refined products. Iraq has the world's third-largest known reserves of oil but decades of war, sanctions, under-investment and now widespread violence and sabotage have left it critically short of fuel. It has to import nearly half of its gasoline.
The US$6,000 million project includes the following:
1. Construction of Nasiriya Refinery (150,000 barrels per day)
2. Construction of Kerosene Hydrotreating
3. Construction of Light Gas Oil Hydrodesulphurisation
4. Construction of Light Naphtha Isomerization
5. Construction of Hydrogen Production Unit
6. Construction of C3,C4 Olefins Alkylation
7. Construction of Vacuum Gas Oil HydroConstruction of Desulphurization
8. Construction of Naptha Hydrodesulphurisation
9. Construction of NC4 Isomerisation Unit
10. Construction of Continuous Catalytic Reformer CCR
11. Construction of Vacuum Gas Oil Fluid Catalytic Cracking
12. Construction of CLG Vacuum Gas Oil Hydrocracking
13. Construction of Vacuum Residue H. Oil
14. Construction of Blown Asphalt Production
15. Construction of LPG Production
16. Construction of Atmospheric Distillation
17. Construction of Vacuum Distillation
18. Construction of Gas Sweeting
19. Construction of Sulphur Recovery unit
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21 June 2024
We have not been able to obtain further updates on this project. We have retained the same project stage and amended the key dates accordingly. We will update the profile as soon as we obtain any new information.
13 October 2023
We have not been able to obtain further updates on this project. We have retained the same project stage and amended the key dates accordingly. We will update the profile as soon as we obtain any new information.
28 April 2023
The main contract bid submission deadline is on May 28, 2023.
05 April 2023
The main contract tender has been issued on the project and the submission is on June 11, 2023. (Source: MEED)
20 March 2023
The project has revived and currently the ministry is offering investment opportunity to companies to develop the project. The submissions to purchase information kits for these opportunities will be opened as of April 02, 2023.
03 August 2018
The project has been cancelled due to unknown reason.
12 April 2018
The bids are still open and the last date for submission is April 26, 2018. Total is planning to bid for the project
15 January 2018
MoO re-announced invitation for investment to the international companies to participate in the project. The last date for submission shall be April 26, 2018.
15 January 2018
The client has re-announced invitation for investment to the international companies to participate in the project. The last date for submission shall be April 26,2018. The project will be implemented using BOO or BOT model.
24 October 2017
Total plans to invest in the project
16 October 2017
PetroChina has shown interest to built the refinery project
17 August 2017
The ministry is directly negotiating with Petrochina/CNOOC JV to build the project. The ministry has rejected the offer submitted by Petrochina/CNOOC JV to build the refinery with the value worth $9,000mn which seems to be costly.
18 July 2017
There is no further progress on the project.The client has changed the capacity of the project from 300,000 bpd to 150,000 bpd.
17 May 2017
The client is in discussion with ExxonMobil for the investment in developing the project.
31 March 2017
The ministry has invited foreign companies to invest in the project before end 2017.
19 January 2017
The client has issued a fresh invitation for investment to the international companies to participate in the project. The project will be implemented using BOO or BOT model.
26 December 2016
There has been no progress on the project. ITB is not yet issued on the client.
26 September 2016
The project has been revived and the client has asked the specialized companies to submit investment proposals to implement the project on BOT basis.
26 September 2016
The project has been revived and the specialized companies were asked to submit investment proposals to implement the project on BOT basis.
21 September 2016
The many international companies have expressed their interest to invest in the project. The local government has asked the client to take it on priority and revive the project.
04 September 2016
The project continues to be on hold and time-frame for revival is not yet known.
03 May 2016
The project continues to be on hold and time-frame for revival is not yet known.
16 March 2016
The local government has asked the top authorities to implement the investment plan of the project on priority basis.
01 February 2016
Market news indicate that several key projects have stalled over recent months after a letter from Oil Ministry, due to financial crisis. Hence it is understood that the project continues to be on hold.
12 November 2015
The project has been put on hold due to the financial crisis.
12 November 2015
The project has been put on hold due to budget crisis.
06 August 2015
Zarubezhneft has not yet made a final investment decision about participating in the project.
22 June 2015
There is no further progress on the project. Also the licencing round for the development of the project has not been issued yet.
22 March 2015
Sources confirm that the licencing round for the development of the project has not been issued yet.
20 February 2015
The client has denied the news rumouring in the market that a contract has been signed with china's CNPC for the implementation of the project.
18 February 2015
The project is facing due to civil unrest in the country and the client is preparing technical and administrative documents to issue licencing round for the project. No timeline has been provided yet for the same.
01 February 2015
Ministry of Oil has announced to form Dhi Qar Oil Company which will be responsible for the oil field and refinery projects in Nasiriya.
27 October 2014
Ministry of oil is preparing documents to issue licencing round for Nasiriya Integrated Project before end of 2014. The program has faced delay due to technical & administrative reasons.
27 October 2014
MoO is preparing documents to issue licensing round for Nasiriya Integrated Project before the end of 2014. The program has faced delay due to technical & administrative reasons.
11 August 2014
The client will hold a licensing round later this year inviting those companies who have submitted their qualifications & interest in the project. The meeting will discuss the production rights on the project and its future implementation.
19 June 2014
Ministry of oil has again delayed an international tendering for the development of its Nassiriya oil field and the construction of an associated 300,000 barrel a day refinery. Bidding for the Nassiriya Integrated Project was due to take place on 19th June 2014 after twice being delayed in December and January, and no new date has been set.
29 April 2014
Lukoil is planning a joint venture with Zarubezhneft to develop the Nassiriya oil field and help build an associated refinery. The next round of talks on the project with the Iraqi government is expected in the month of June 2014. Petroleum Contracts & Licensing Directorate (PCLD) has pushed back the bid deadline to June 19, 2014. The bids are expected to be opened on the same day.
16 January 2014
As quoted in Ministry of Oil website Petroleum Contracts & Licensing Directorate (PCLD) has pushed back the bid deadline by six months to June 19, 2014. The bids are expected to be opened on the same day. MoO announced that bid round is delayed and will allow more time to modify the schemeâs model contract and allow comments from international oil companies.
06 January 2014
Industry sources indicate that the development contract is expected to be signed by end January 2014. The date for finalizing offers was delayed due to Christmas festivities and to give additional time for the companies to study the project.
25 November 2013
Market sources indicate that the deadline for the role of Project Management Consultant for the planned Nasiriyah Integrated Project has been delayed by more than a month to January 23, 2014, in response to requests from bidders for more time. The bid round was expected to be held on December 19, 2013. The 13 prequalified consortiums are now due to submit participation fees by December 1, 2013. The projectâs final tender protocol and contract, originally to be published on November 15, 2013 will be released on December 10, 2013.
30 August 2013
Oil Ministry of Iraq has extended the deadline for the submission of expressions of interest for the project management to September 16, 2013 from August 29, 2013. Petroleum Contracts & Licensing Directorate (PCLD) expects to issue tenders for the deal at the end of September and a contract award is planned for late 2013 or early 2014.
20 August 2013
Five additional international oil companies selected to bid for the development of its Nassiriya oil field are as follows: -Maurel et Prom -Rosneft -Essar -GS Engineering & Construction Corp. -ONGC Earlier following companies have been prequalified for the developer contract. -Zarubezhneft -CNPCI -Brown Energy -Reliance Industries -Lukoil -Total -JGC & Tonen General
19 August 2013
Iraq Oil Ministry has asked international engineering firms to prequalify for the a project management consultant (PMC) contract. The Oil Ministryâs Petroleum Contracts & Licensing Directorate (PCLD) has set a deadline of 29 August for document submission. Tenders for the PMC contract will be issued by the PCLD on September 30, 2013 with proposals due by November 30, 2013. The Oil Ministry expects to award the contract, or at least have an indication of the prospective winner in early 2014. Project management consultant (PMC) will provide a comprehensive range of support activities in overseeing both upstream and downstream construction and operations. The contract could last more than 25 years, according to the document, although the critical period of engagement will be in the first several years, during which the field is developed and the refinery built and commissioned. The nature of the engagement once the refinery is fully operational will be subject to consideration at the time.
19 August 2013
Oil Ministry added five more companies to its prequalified contractor list, which has now grown to 13 firms. The Oil Ministry plans to host a bid round for the Nasiriyah Integrated Project on December 19, 2013. A draft contract was issued in July 2013, and a final workshop will be held in September 2013 before a final draft contract is published in October 2013 and final tender protocol in mid-November 2013.
19 August 2013
The winning PMC contractor will initially evaluate plans and proposed changes submitted by the refineryâs eventual engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor. It will make recommendations to the Oil Ministry whether to accept or reject the new proposals. The PMC firm will also evaluate technical and cost proposals for facilities not covered by the Foster Wheeler design, and advise the Oil Ministry on the selection of an EPC contractor.
09 April 2013
The client has prequalified seven firms to bid on the project, Petroleum Contracts and Licensing Directorate (PCLD) still hopes to sign contracts for the scheme by end-2013. The Oil Ministry will issue an initial tender protocol at the end of April followed by data packages on May 10, The first draft contract will be released by July 1, with responses, if any, from the bidders due by August 15, 2013. Suggestions will also be welcomed by international bidders at a final workshop in September, before the revised draft contract is published in October, after which, the final tender protocol and contract will be issued on November 15, with bid round set for December 19, 2013.
09 April 2013
The ministry plans to hold a new bid round on December 19, 2013. It also is currently holding workshops in Amman for the deal for the prequalified companies in order to allow them to discuss the project one-on-one with the ministry.
13 March 2013
The following companies have been prequalified for the developer contract. -Zarubezhneft -CNPCI -Brown Energy -Reliance Industries -Lukoil -Total -JGC & Tonen General
13 March 2013
Iraqâs Oil Ministry has prequalified just seven firms to take part in its planned project to develop the Nasiriyah oil field.
04 March 2013
Chevron,Eni and JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp.have shown interest in developing the huge Nassiriya oil field. Incase Ministry of Oil decides to develop Nassiriya oil field, it will invite these three companies to submit bids.
16 January 2013
Prequalification deadline has been extended to February 28, 2013, from January 15, 2013, on request from the oil firms.
16 January 2013
The prequalification deadline has been extended to February 28, 2013 from January 15, 2013 on request from the oil firms.
04 December 2012
Pre-qualification document submission has extended to January 15, 2013, from December 3, 2012.
04 December 2012
The pre-qualification document submission has extended to January 15, 2013 from 03 December, 2012.
19 November 2012
Foster Wheeler has completed the FEED study on the project.
19 November 2012
Foster Wheeler has completed the FEED study on the Nasiriya refinery project.
19 November 2012
Ministry of Oil - Iraq has launched the Nasiriya Integrated Project which would include both the development of the Nasiriya refinery and the oil field.
19 November 2012
Industry sources indicate that the Ministry of Oil - Iraq through Petroleum Contracts and Licensing Directorate (PCLD) is now inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from companies that are experienced refinery operators who could join with upstream operators for the project. Companies that have expertise in upstream operations on the projects need mention their capabilities during the time of qualification submissions with respect to refinery activities.
25 October 2012
Iraq - Ministry of Oil has invited international companies to bid for the project. Around 47 prequalified companies will be invited to compete for the project.
21 October 2012
Design works at various stages is ongoing on the project.
12 July 2012
Project is facing delays due to financial issues.
29 May 2012
Iraqi Oil Ministry is planning to award a contract for the development Nassiriya oil field and the construction of a dedicated 300000 bpd export refinery as one package. Baghdad had been in drawn-out negotiations with a consortium led by Nippon Oil Corporation to develop the field, but the ministry finally assigned management of the field to the state-run South Oil Company.
08 October 2011
*Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit: UOP *Reformers: UOP *Hydrotreating units: UOP *Vacuum Residue (VR): Axens IFP Group Technologies *Gas oil desulfurisation hydrotreater: Axens IFP Group Technologies *Kerosene desulfurisation hydrotreater: Axens IFP Group Technologies *Butane isomerization unit: Axens IFP Group Technologies As a part of the deal, UOP will provide basic engineering, technology licences, catalysts and specialty equipment for the refinery.
09 August 2011
*Vacuum residue: 52000 b/d *Gas oil desulfurisation hydrotreater: 105000 b/d *Kerosene desulfurisation hydrotreater: 24000 b/d *Butane isomerization unit: 11900 b/d
29 April 2011
Iraq's Ministry of Oil is inviting investors to take part in the development of the refinery.
25 November 2010
FEED is ongoing.
28 June 2010
Many international companies have expressed their interest to participate in the project.
28 June 2010
The engineering designs for the project is likely to be completed by end-Q4 2010.
07 June 2010
*Preparing configuration of the new refinery to meet the client's processing objectives, evaluate proprietary technologies, prepare a report covering the feasibility of the project and the design basis of the refinery facilities, engage the selected licensors and prepare the front-end engineering design package for the total project: Foster Wheeler
23 March 2009
Iraq's oil ministry has informed interested Japanese companies such as Nippon Oil, Inpex and JGC that it expects to award an engineering, procurement and construction contract for the refinery near the southern Nassiriyah oil field within May 2009.
23 March 2009
The Iraqi oil ministry has invited Nippon Oil, to help develop the Nassiriyah oil field alongside Eni and Repsol YPF, and to build the refinery in the province, projects that were not put out to international tender in the licensing round.
16 February 2009
A committee has been formed involving Ministry of Oil in order to select the location for refinery close to Nasiriya.
14 January 2009
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in August 2008 between SCOP and a partnership of Nippon Oil Corporation and Eni. Under the MoU, Nippon will build the refinery and Eni will develop the oilfield.
14 January 2009
Crude will be supplied from the adjacent Nassiriyah oil field.
14 January 2009
Nippon Oil Corporation will provide financing for the refinery and the oilfield which is estimated to be about $5000 million.
01 January 2009
MoO announced plans to build the oil refinery in Nasiriyah.
20 October 2008
FEED / PMC bids are under evaluation.
15 May 2008
Ministry of Oil (MOO) is close to signing the contract to build the new Nasiriyah oil refinery.
19 February 2008
MOO is in talks with big specialised companies to build the refinery.
27 September 2007
The Ministry of Oil is expected to sign a contract worth around $40 million to design the Nasiriya Refinery with an international company by the end of 2007.
29 July 2007
The Ministry is hoping to involve the private sector through build-own-operate (BOO) or build-operate-transfer (BOT) basis.
05 August 2006
The Oil Ministry has started bid evaluation for the feasibility study and FEED contract.
27 May 2006
The ministry has received bids from nine international firms for the feasibility study and FEED.
02 April 2006
Iraq Ministry of Oil(MoO) has announced plans to construct a refinery at Nasiriya, Iraq.